
Can you guess what these cats are doing?

2015-08-05 002


I took this picture today, and it is their typical M.O. I got them to destroy pests, but instead they lay around, eat food, and get stuck in odd places.

El Diablo is the gray tailless one.  He was so named to scare away predators and rodents. It hasn’t seemed to work. The younger cats are named Double Naught and Scarface (AKA Bandit).  Double Naught is an allusion to the Beverly Hillbillies in which Jethro Bodine wanted to be a Double Naught Agent (like Double Naught Seven) and have a license to kill.  The other was named Bandit by the previous owner, but he has since scratched his face climbing around inside of my pool table. Hence, Scarface.

So far, El Diablo (the gray tailless one) has a meager 1 1 /8 recorded kills over the 5 months of our acquaintance. I’ve tallied this as follows:

  • 1/8: Lizard (Only counts as 1/8 of a kill because lizards kill bugs, I like lizards, and the lizard was distracted by chasing a bug.)
  • 7/8: Bird (Only 3/4 for the kill because it wasn’t a pest and +1/8 extra credit because he ate it.)
  • 1/8: Dragonfly (1/8 because it wasn’t really an animal, and I like dragonflies.  On a side note, El Diablo got +1/8 because he shared and let Scarface play with it. That was cancelled by the -1/8 because of his anger when Scarface ate it.)

Double Naught has yet to touch anything living, and I can’t decide if Scarface scores any point for eating the dragonfly. I am leaning towards not.

I will update as they move towards self sufficiency and providing for themselves.

2 thoughts on “Freeloaders

  1. You missed me because I was hauling butt. Actually, it was a trick. I kind of run things around here so I can do that.

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